Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Sophie Chats With... Caitlin Lloyd

Caitlin Lloyd was my kindergarten and 1st grade teacher at Corpus Christi Catholic School. She went to Big Spring High School and has a degree in psychology from Penn State and her PreK-4 teaching certification from Wilson College. She lives in Newville with her daughter, Rylie.

Fun facts: She marched with the Penn State Blue Band for three years, she has three younger brothers, her favorite color is pink (like me!) and she loves country music.

Why did you decide to be the kindergarten teacher at Corpus?
I knew that I wanted to teach in a Catholic school and was so excited to hear that Corpus was hiring!  When I interviewed, I found out that Corpus was hiring a Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade teacher.  My top choice was 2nd because that was the grade that I taught when I was a student teacher.  I was hired for the Kindergarten position with Ms. Martin and ended up falling in love with teaching Kindergarten -- I hope to teach this grade again!
What is your favorite thing about being a 1st grade teacher?

My favorite thing about being a 1st grade teacher is getting to know my students and watching them learn and grow each day.  They are so funny and make me laugh.

What would you be if you weren’t a 1st grade teacher?

If I weren't a teacher, I would like to be a psychologist -- maybe even a school counselor!

What is your favorite subject to teach and why?

My favorite subject to teach is science because I love to do experiments and STEAM challenges with the students.  I also love to read writing assignments because it always amazes me how smart and creative my students are.

What is your bright side during the pandemic?

I get to spend so much time with my daughter, Rylie.  She is loving life and wants to learn new things each day.  We have been practicing her letters, arts & crafts, and even planted a garden!
Thank you Miss Lloyd for being my teacher for as long as you could!! You are the best!! Thank you again!!!!!!


  1. Thank you, Miss Lloyd, for being a great teacher. Sophie, and the rest of us, will miss you very much next year.

  2. Miss Casper and Mrs. Clifford were my kindergarten and first grade teachers and I learned so much from them! It sounds like Miss Lloyd was just as great as they were!

    1. Meg Rojahn, she was like the BEST teacher to me!
