Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sophie Chats With... Angelina Rose Guntert

I know it's been a while since I've done an SCW, but, we'll say, I've reunited it to the blog.  

With Jennifer L. Deinlein on the left and Angelina R. Guntert on the right, I think Angelina had a really nice senior night! By the way, my mom (Jennifer), was her coach.

Angelina R. Guntert, 23, graduated from Penn State Mont Alto in Mont Alto, PA in 2020, went to high school at the Littlestown High School in Littlestown, PA, and lives in Fayetteville, PA (where I live as well). Her degree at Mont Alto was a Bachelors in Human Development Family Studies and a Minor in Psychology, and her fun fact about herself is "I have learned how to make clothing without any guidance, I just measure myself and make clothes to fit my body!" which I'd say is pretty impressive!

Angelina bases her friend, Sammi.

Why did you try out for cheerleading at Mont Alto? 

I tried out for cheerleading team because some of my friends were on the team and wanted me to join with them! So I joined, and I'm so glad I did!

What other activities were you involved with at Mont Alto?

I was a Resident Assistant, I was in ASL club when it was a thing, photography club, THON.

How did you get into photography and what do you like best about it?

I've been into film photography since high school and took a class to learn more. My Poppy handed down his film camera to me so that made me happy! This past Christmas my mom bought me a good professional camera, beforehand I had been renting it from MA athletics(thanks Frank). Since getting my camera I have been able to do paid shoots for family and friends. 

What are your plans for the future?

My current plans involve 2.5 more years of school over at Wilson College for my nursing degree. And then I hope to do travel nursing internationally. 

What are some of your favorite memories from your life as a kid?

My favorite memories as a kid are from years and summers spent on Long Island with my grandparents. My Poppy would take me out to eat at Chinese buffets, we would go to the park and play board games. My nana and I would get pizza and eat at the beach when she got off work and we would go shopping sometimes. I hung out with my cousins a decent amount and we would go on a bunch of adventures with their mom and my nana, we went apple picking once and that was fun! I also have fond memories of helping out on my aunt Kathi's farm baking with her and feeding the animals. 

 Thank you Angelina for being my latest interview!!! 💗💗💙💙


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